Optime - A complete management information system package for any sized organization!

  • Sustainable data warehouse
  • Fast reporting
  • Effective planning

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Data warehouse

A data warehouse is like the foundation of a house

Operational reporting and business analysis works stably and without errors when built on a perfect data warehouse. The Optime data warehouse is based on a practically proven data model, on top of which we construct business planning and other, more complicated expense reports. We order and unify data from base systems into a warehouse, making it independent – you can be sure that, for example, changing the accounting program will not affect the operation of the data warehouse.

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Forecasting and budgeting is possible at any moment

In today’s changing conditions it is necessary to plan more often than before. Optime products allow for regular operational planning – we always see the best path forward from both a strategic and a operational view. It only takes a web browser to access the Optime planning process. User access is controllable and administratable, allowing you to limit each user’s view to only what is applicable to them. The environment for data entry is similar to excel.

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reporting and analysis

Reporting saves everyone time

Standardized management reports are available at all times and up to date. Shortcomings are easy to spot – quality data is effortlessly analysable down to the details. Ordered data allows for understandable and comparative analysis of even longer time series to indentify trends. Optime reporting saves you time. Useful and dependable in analysis, Optime reporting solutions help you in making the right business decisions.

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Action-oriented cost accounting

Cost accounting gives an accurate overview of the development towards the goal

OptimeABC is a modern and multifunctional action-based cost accounting (ABC - Activity Based Costing) software, fit for any organization regardless of size, area of expertise or form of ownership. As part of the cost accounting system software, Optime also offers a relevant course and consultation.

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